Tahitian Vanilla Beans: Gourmet Grade B Pods – Best Options in 2023

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Tahitian Vanilla Beans: Gourmet Grade B Pods

tahitian vanilla beans


Tahitian Vanilla Beans: A Gourmet Delight

Vanilla Tahitian, also known as Vanilla tahitensis, is a type of vanilla bean that originates from the stunning island of Tahiti. The true Tahitian vanilla beans are considered gourmet due to their unique flavor profile, which is described as floral, fruity, and delicate.

Unlike other vanilla beans such as Indonesian or Madagascar vanilla beans, Tahitian beans are smaller and plumper. The seeds of the Tahitian vanilla beans are found in a small cherry-like pod and are used to make vanilla extract. This extract is commonly used in baking and cooking.

What sets the Tahitian variety apart from other types of vanilla is its distinct sweet aroma with notes of cherry and anise. It’s a perfect ingredient for desserts like ice cream, custard, cakes, cookies, and more. It adds depth to savory dishes like sauces for meat or fish.

The process of growing and harvesting these precious little pods requires patience and skill. The growers wait until the pods reach maturity before they harvest them by hand. Once harvested, the pods undergo a curing process that can take up to six months before they’re ready for use.

Vanilla Planifolia is another popular type of vanilla bean that comes from Madagascar. Many people ask what makes Tahitian Vanilla different from Madagascar’s variety? While both varieties have a similar appearance on the outside with dark brown coloration; their flavors differ significantly.

Madagascar’s Vanilla Planifolia has an intense flavor profile with strong notes of caramel and chocolate making it ideal for baking recipes where you want a bold taste. Meanwhile, Tahitian Vanilla has a light flavor profile with fruity notes making it perfect for lighter desserts or when you don’t want your dish to be overpowered by too much sweetness.

Unique Characteristics of Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Distinct Fruity Aroma and Flavor

Tahitian vanilla beans are known for their distinct fruity aroma and flavor, which sets them apart from other types of vanilla beans. The fruitiness of Tahitian vanilla beans is due to the high concentration of vanillin and other flavor compounds. These flavor compounds give Tahitian vanilla beans a unique taste profile that is often described as floral, fruity, and slightly sweet.

Compared to other types of vanilla beans, Tahitian vanilla beans are shorter, plumper, and contain more moisture. This makes them more delicate and difficult to handle than other varieties. However, this also means that they have a higher water content, which contributes to their unique flavor profile.

Popular Choice for Desserts and Beverages

The unique fruitiness of Tahitian vanilla beans makes them a popular choice for desserts and beverages. Chefs often use Tahitian vanilla in combination with other flavors to enhance their fruity notes. For example, it pairs well with tropical fruits like mangoes, pineapples, and passion fruit.

Tahitian vanilla is also commonly used in ice cream, custards, cakes, pastries, and cocktails. Its distinct flavor adds depth and complexity to these dishes while still allowing the other ingredients to shine through.

Higher Cost

Due to their unique characteristics, Tahitian vanilla beans are typically more expensive than other types of vanilla beans. This is because they are more difficult to cultivate and require specific growing conditions.

For example, Madagascar produces the majority of the world’s supply of vanilla beans but has a different climate than Tahiti. Madagascar’s climate creates ideal growing conditions for its Bourbon variety of vanilla bean while making it difficult for Tahitian Vanilla Beans to thrive there.

Because of this difference in cultivation requirements between Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans (MBVB)and Tahitian Vanilla Beans (TVB), MBVB tend towards being cheaper than TVB because they can be grown in larger quantities in various countries.

Aroma and Flavor Properties of Tahitian vs Other Vanilla Beans

Unique Aroma Profile of Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Tahitian vanilla beans are known for their unique aroma profile, which is described as floral, fruity, and cherry-like. This aroma is due to the high concentration of a compound called heliotropin, which gives Tahitian vanilla its characteristic scent. The floral notes in Tahitian vanilla come from the presence of eugenol, while the fruity and cherry-like notes are attributed to compounds like methyl cinnamate and ethyl vanillin.

Compared to Other Vanilla Beans

While Tahitian vanilla beans have a distinct aroma profile, they also differ from other types of vanilla beans in terms of flavor. One key difference is that Tahitian vanilla beans have a lower vanillin content than other varieties. Vanillin is the primary flavor compound found in vanilla beans and contributes to their sweet taste. Because Tahitian vanilla has less vanillin than other varieties, it has a less sweet flavor profile.

Flavor Profile of Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Despite having a lower vanillin content, Tahitian vanilla beans have a complex flavor profile that sets them apart from other types of vanilla. The delicate and nuanced flavor of Tahitian vanilla is due in part to the presence of compounds like anisic acid and anethole, which give it subtle notes of licorice or anise. Tahitian vanilla can exhibit hints of caramel or even cherry depending on how it’s used.

Because of its unique flavor profile, Tahitian vanilla is often favored by pastry chefs and bakers who want to add depth and complexity to their desserts without overwhelming them with sweetness. For example:

  • In custards: When used in custards or ice creams, the subtle flavors in Tahitian vanilla can shine through without being masked by sugar.

  • In baked goods: Baked goods like cakes or cookies can benefit from using tahitian bean because it adds another layer of complexity that complements rather than competes with other flavors.

  • In savory dishes: Tahitian vanilla can also be used in savory dishes like seafood or poultry to add a subtle sweetness and depth of flavor.

Different Grades and Sizes of Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Variety is the spice of life, and this couldn’t be truer. These exotic beans come in different grades and sizes, each with its unique flavor profile. In this section, we will discuss the various grades and sizes of Tahitian vanilla beans.

Grades of Tahitian Vanilla Beans

The Slo Food Group has established strict guidelines for the quality of Tahitian vanilla beans. According to these guidelines, there are three grades of Tahitian vanilla beans: Grade A (Gourmet), Grade B (Extract), and Grade C (Tahitensis).

Grade A (Gourmet) is the highest quality grade available for Tahitian Vanilla Beans. It has a high moisture content, plump appearance, and rich aroma. This grade is perfect for gourmet cooking or baking.

Grade B (Extract) is a lower quality grade than Grade A but still has an excellent flavor profile. It is typically used for making extracts or infusions.

Grade C (Tahitensis) is the lowest quality grade available for Tahitian Vanilla Beans. It has a low moisture content, thin appearance, and mild aroma. This grade is usually sold as “vanilla powder” or used in low-quality products.

Sizes of Tahitian Vanilla Beans

The size of a vanilla bean can significantly affect its flavor profile. The length and weight of the bean determine how much extract it will yield per pod. The most common size for Tahitian vanilla beans is 16-18 centimeters or 6-7 inches long.

To calculate the weight of Tahitian vanilla beans accurately, a tool called a gram scale is used. The weight range for one bean can vary from 3 to 5 grams depending on its maturity level.

Tahitian vs Madagascar Vanilla Beans

While both types of vanilla beans have their distinct flavors and aromas, Madagascar’s beans are more common and widely used. Madagascar’s vanilla beans have a stronger, sweeter flavor profile with hints of caramel and a creamy texture. On the other hand, Tahitian vanilla beans have a fruity, floral aroma with notes of cherry and prune.

Where to Buy High-Quality Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Look for Reputable Online Retailers That Specialize in Vanilla Beans

It is important to find a reputable online retailer that specializes in vanilla beans. Not all online retailers are created equal, and some may sell lower quality or even counterfeit vanilla beans. Look for retailers with a good reputation and positive reviews from previous customers.

Check the Origin of the Vanilla Beans to Ensure They Are From Tahiti

Tahitian vanilla beans are known for their unique flavor profile, which includes notes of cherry and anise. To ensure that you are getting authentic Tahitian vanilla beans, check the origin of the beans before making your purchase. Some retailers may sell vanilla beans from other regions that do not have the same flavor profile as those from Tahiti.

Choose Vanilla Beans That Are Plump, Moist, and Have a Strong Aroma

When selecting Tahitian vanilla beans, look for plump and moist pods with a strong aroma. The pods should be flexible but not too soft or brittle. Avoid beans that are dry or have cracks on their surface. These characteristics can indicate that the beans are old or low quality.

Consider Purchasing Vanilla Beans That Are Certified Organic or Fair Trade

If you value sustainability and ethical farming practices, consider purchasing certified organic or fair trade Tahitian vanilla beans. These certifications ensure that the farmers who grew the vanilla were paid fairly and used sustainable farming methods without harmful chemicals.

Read Reviews From Previous Customers to Gauge the Quality of the Vanilla Beans

Before making your purchase, read reviews from previous customers to gauge the quality of the Tahitian vanilla beans sold by a particular retailer. Look for reviews that specifically mention the aroma, flavor profile, and overall quality of the product.

Compare Prices From Different Retailers to Ensure You Are Getting a Fair Deal

Finally, compare prices from different retailers to ensure you are getting a fair deal on your Tahitian vanilla beans. Keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the quality and origin of the beans, as well as the retailer’s reputation and certifications.

How to Store Tahitian Vanilla Beans Properly

Storing Tahitian Vanilla Beans Properly

Airtight Container

To ensure the longevity of your Tahitian vanilla beans, proper storage is key. One effective way to store them is by placing them in an airtight container. Doing so will prevent moisture and air from getting in, which can cause mold or spoilage. You can use jars or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids for this purpose.

Cool and Dark Place

Another important aspect of storing vanilla beans is keeping them in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Heat and light can cause the beans to dry out, lose their flavor, and become brittle. Therefore, it’s best to keep them away from windowsills or other areas that receive direct sunlight.


Contrary to popular belief, storing vanilla beans in the refrigerator isn’t recommended as it can cause condensation and damage the beans. The moisture from condensation can lead to mold growth or spoilage of the beans. If you do need to refrigerate your vanilla beans temporarily, make sure they are completely sealed in an airtight container before doing so.

Regular Checking

It’s essential to check your vanilla beans regularly for any signs of mold or spoilage. If you notice any affected beans, remove them immediately before they contaminate others. You can also inspect your stored vanilla beans periodically by gently pressing on them with your fingers; they should be pliable but not too soft or hard.

Shelf Life

Tahitian vanilla beans have a shelf life of up to two years if stored properly. However, over time their flavor will start diminishing gradually even if they’re stored correctly; therefore, it’s best to use them within six months for optimal results.

Vacuum-Sealing and Freezing

If you want to extend the shelf life of your Tahitian vanilla beans beyond two years, consider vacuum-sealing them or storing them in the freezer. Vacuum-sealing is a great option as it removes all the air from the packaging, preventing any moisture from getting in and maintaining the flavor for a more extended period. Freezing can also be effective, but it’s essential to ensure that the beans are sealed correctly before freezing.

Tips for Using Tahitian Vanilla Beans in Baking and Cooking

Using Tahitian Vanilla Beans in Baking and Cooking

Tahitian vanilla beans are known for their rich, floral flavor and aroma that make them a favorite among bakers and chefs. Here are some tips on how to use Tahitian vanilla beans in your baking and cooking:

Use Tahitian Vanilla Beans in Cake Batters

One of the best ways to use Tahitian vanilla beans is by adding them to cake batters. The beans impart a distinct flavor that elevates the taste of any cake recipe. To use the beans, split them open lengthwise with a sharp knife, scrape out the seeds, and add them to your cake batter. For an even stronger flavor, you can also add pieces of the bean pod to infuse more vanilla essence into your cake.

Infuse Cream or Milk with Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Another way to incorporate Tahitian vanilla beans into your baking is by infusing cream or milk with them before adding it to your cake recipes. This technique imparts a subtle yet distinct vanilla taste that enhances the overall flavor profile of your cakes. Simply split open one or two Tahitian vanilla beans and place them in a saucepan with cream or milk over medium heat until it reaches boiling point. Remove from heat and let it cool before using it in your recipe.

Add Scraped Seeds to Frosting or Glaze Recipes

If you want to give your frosting or glaze recipes a speckled appearance while enhancing their flavor, simply add scraped seeds from Tahitian vanilla beans into the mixture. This technique not only adds visual appeal but also gives an intense aroma that complements any sweet treat.

Use Them in Custard-Based Cakes

Custard-based cakes such as cheesecake or crème brûlée benefit greatly from using Tahitian vanilla beans due to their luxurious and aromatic properties. The floral notes of these beans pair well with custard desserts creating an indulgent treat for any occasion. Split open the beans and scrape out the seeds, then add them to your custard mixture before baking.

Recipes Featuring Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Ice cream, custards, and cakes are just a few of the many dessert recipes that contain Tahitian vanilla beans. The unique floral and fruity flavor of these beans gives any recipe a distinct taste. However, did you know that Tahitian vanilla beans can also be used in savory dishes such as marinades for meats or sauces for seafood?

Crème Brûlée with Tahitian Vanilla Beans

One popular recipe featuring Tahitian vanilla beans is crème brûlée. In this recipe, the beans are used to infuse the custard base. To make this dessert, start by preheating your oven to 325°F (160°C). Then whisk together egg yolks and sugar until it forms a pale yellow mixture. Next, heat heavy cream and Tahitian vanilla beans over medium heat until it starts to simmer.

Remove from heat and let it cool for around 10 minutes before straining out the bean pods. Slowly add the cream mixture into the egg yolk mixture while constantly whisking until fully combined. Pour the mixture into ramekins and place them in a baking dish filled with hot water halfway up each ramekin.

Bake for approximately 45 minutes or until set but still jiggly in the center. Remove from oven and let them cool at room temperature before refrigerating them for at least two hours or overnight.

Panna Cotta with Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Another recipe that uses Tahitian vanilla beans is panna cotta where they are steeped in cream before being added to the gelatin mixture. Panna cotta is an Italian dessert that translates to “cooked cream”. It’s simple yet elegant dessert that can be served on its own or topped with fresh fruits.

To make panna cotta with tahitian vanilla beans, begin by heating heavy cream over medium heat along with scraped out seeds of one whole bean pod. Let it simmer for around 10 minutes before removing from heat and letting it cool for another 10 minutes. Add gelatin powder to the cream mixture and whisk until fully combined.

Pour the mixture into ramekins or glasses and refrigerate them for at least two hours or overnight. Once set, serve with fresh fruits such as berries or mangoes.

Homemade Vanilla Extract with Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Tahitian vanilla beans can also be used to make homemade vanilla extract that can then be used in various recipes. To make this extract, split open two whole bean pods lengthwise and place them in a glass jar along with one cup of vodka or rum. Seal the jar tightly and let it sit in a dark place for at least six weeks, shaking occasionally.

The longer the beans are left to steep, the stronger the flavor will be. Homemade vanilla extract made with Tahitian vanilla beans is perfect for baking recipes such as cookies, cakes, and bread.

Benefits of Using Tahitian Vanilla Beans in Your Kitchen

Gourmet Ingredient: Tahitian Vanilla Beans

Tahitian vanilla beans are a gourmet ingredient that can add a touch of luxury to any dish or dessert. These beans have a unique flavor profile with notes of licorice, which makes them a popular choice for high-end products and applications. Using Tahitian vanilla beans at home can elevate your cooking and baking, impressing your guests and family.

Quality is key. Customers who use these beans in their products or services can count on its high quality and consistency thanks to the careful process of cultivation and harvesting. The farmers in Tahiti take great care in growing the vanilla plants, hand-pollinating each flower and carefully curing the beans to bring out their full flavor potential.

Vanilla Bean Calculator

One of the challenges of using whole vanilla beans is determining how much to use in your recipe. Fortunately, there are tools available such as the vanilla bean calculator that make it easy to determine how many beans you need based on factors such as recipe yield and desired strength of flavor.

Using this tool ensures that you get the right amount of flavor every time without wasting any precious beans. Plus, since Tahitian vanilla beans tend to be more expensive than other varieties, using just the right amount helps you get more bang for your buck.

Versatile Applications

While Tahitian vanilla beans are often associated with desserts such as ice cream, custards, and cakes, they can also be used in savory dishes like sauces or marinades. The subtle licorice notes add depth and complexity to dishes without overwhelming other flavors.

For example, try adding some scraped-out seeds from a Tahitian vanilla bean to a simple vinaigrette dressing for an unexpected twist on a classic salad. Or infuse some cream with whole Tahitian vanilla beans before whipping it up into homemade butter for an indulgent spread that’s perfect for toast or pancakes.

Why Tahitian Vanilla Beans are Worth the Investment

Tahitian vanilla beans are a true investment for any kitchen. With their unique characteristics, distinct aroma and flavor properties, and different grades and sizes, Tahitian vanilla beans offer a versatile ingredient that can elevate any dish or dessert.

One of the most significant advantages of Tahitian vanilla beans is their floral fragrance and fruity flavor notes. Unlike other types of vanilla beans, Tahitian vanilla has a sweeter, more delicate flavor profile with hints of cherry, peach, and even raspberry. This makes it an excellent choice for desserts such as custards, ice creams, and pastries that require a subtle yet complex taste.

In addition to its distinct flavor profile, Tahitian vanilla beans also come in various grades and sizes. The highest grade of Tahitian vanilla is Grade A, which has a high moisture content and plump appearance. On the other hand, Grade B Tahitian vanilla beans have lower moisture content but are still perfect for making extracts or infusing into sugar or cream.

There are several reputable online retailers that offer premium-grade options sourced directly from Tahiti. These retailers ensure that the product is fresh and authentic while providing customers with competitive pricing.

Proper storage is crucial when it comes to preserving the quality of your Tahitian vanilla beans. The best way to store them is by keeping them in an airtight container in a cool and dark place away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

If you’re new to using Tahitian vanilla beans in your kitchen, there are several tips you can follow to get the most out of this versatile ingredient. For example, you can split open the bean lengthwise and scrape out the tiny black seeds inside to use in recipes like crème brûlée or homemade ice cream.

Lastly, incorporating Tahitian vanilla beans into your cooking offers numerous health benefits as well. Vanilla contains antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in the body while also aiding in digestion and supporting a healthy immune system.

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